Leading Your Education to A New Frequency

EEG U Makes Quality CEUs Freely Available to Everyone Working in EEG

Considering the EEG needs across the country continue to grow with modalities including routine, long-term ambulatory, and long-term epilepsy monitoring, and R. EEG T.s are in short supply, continuing education for all techs providing EEG services to patients is critical. This year-long ASET CEU program will feature 12 presentations, one per month, from several experts in the field covering a wide range of topics.

Attending the meetings is simple and certainly worthwhile, please join us!

EEG U is proudly sponsored by Stratus.

Stratus is the leading provider of EEG solutions in the United States. We strive to create EEG services that help healthcare systems and clinicians improve care efficiency, diagnostic information, and the patient experience. 

Check out our careers page: https://stratusneuro.com/careers/

ASET – The Neurodiagnostic Society has granted ASET Continuing Education Units [ASET CEUs] for this program. Such crediting, however, should not be construed by program participants as an endorsement of any type of instruments or supplies mentioned or involved in these presentations.

*Note, you must attend the overwhelming majority of the live lecture and access the webinar using the individual Zoom link emailed to you upon registration. Multiple people using one Zoom link will only track the person whose link you used to log in.

Stratus does not send out certificates of attendance. If you need proof for other CEU programs, please utilize the automated Zoom email that is sent to all attendees 1 day after the live webinar. 

Copyright 2024 Stratus. All rights reserved.

Registration Currently Open For:

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Upcoming CEU Courses

EEG U Library

If you missed one of the EEG U webinars, no worries, you can watch them here! CEU credits will not be issued if you're watching a previously recorded webinar.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the key risk factors for SUDEP in epilepsy patients

2. Describe the proposed pathophysiological mechanisms of SUDEP

3. Explain the critical role of the EEG Technologists in SUDEP risk reduction
