Stratus Neuro

Report Highlights Ambulatory Video EEG Monitoring Success

In the March 2019 issue of “Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy,” an exciting new report led by the UH Neurological Institute’s Dr. Tanvir Syed included a retrospective analysis of a massive database consisting of nearly 10,000 reports of ambulatory video-EEG monitoring (aVEM) on studies from 28 different states across the U.S., all performed by Stratus.

The number of patients included in this study, entitled “Outcome of aVEM in a ˜10,000 patient nationwide cohort,” is approximately 20 times larger than any study previously performed, establishing a clear role for ambulatory video EEG monitoring in the physician’s diagnostic armamentarium.

The primary outcome measure examined by the researchers was whether at least one push-button event was captured during the aVEM, or if clear epileptiform activity was recorded. A similar analysis was performed on a group of patients who had undergone in-patient video EEG studies at a National Association of Epilepsy Centers Level IV epilepsy center.

The result: more than 62% of the patients studied with aVEM achieved the primary outcome, a number comparable to that from the inpatient studies. 1

Discover how ambulatory video EEG monitoring can benefit your patients today by filling out this form!


1. Outcome of ambulatory video-EEG monitoring in a ˜10,000 patient nationwide cohort. Syed, Tanvir U. et al. Seizure – European Journal of Epilepsy, Volume 66, 104 – 111 doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2019.01.018

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